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Bushy-tailed young Jossip, who's been breaking major scoops on the Jann-Wenner-is-a-crazed-neat-freak beat, today delivers the money shot. He's got the formal, official, formal official email from the Rolling Stone and Us Weekly publisher about the housecleaning that's in store.

TO: All Staff @ 1290
FR: Jann S. Wenner

As part of the office renovation, we are making a major effort to clean up and get rid of as much unnecessary clutter as possible. This is an excellent opportunity for you to clear out of your office or cubicle all the stuff that's just sitting around gathering dust. Take it home, store it away properly, throw it out... whatever is appropriate.

This is a full-scale clean up. Mary, Nelson and Rodney will visit each of you to offer assistance and/or guidance on specific policy.

The deadline to complete your clean up is THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1ST at which time Mary, Nelson and Rodney will provide me with a list of those I need to talk to in person.

Thank you for your cooperation.

For the rest of you, be sure to check the curb outside the Equitable Building on the night of August 31. It might be just the chance to find an old, castaway Ellie among the detritus. Or, at the very least, yet another Front Page Award.

Jann Wenner Wants You to Clean Your Desk by Sept. 1 [Jossip]
Earlier: A 'Rolling Stone' Gathers No Clutter, Back Issues, or Close-Week Dinners