What Courtney Love Suicide Rumors?
From the Drudge Report, a strange item on a mysterious, false rumor:
FALSE COURTNEY LOVE SUICIDE RUMORS FILL INTERNET: LAPD Officer Kathi Simpson of the Media Relations office says detectives report that the suicide in the 8500 block of Mulholland Drive in the Mount Olympus area does not involve a celebrity. Off duty police officer reportedly killed self early in morning in secluded area off famous drive...
So far, the only place we've been able to find this alleged rumor is...Drudge. We know that Big Matt has a very high opinion of his importance, but does he really fill the internet all by himself? (We must admit we're grateful that he revealed that no celebrity was harmed, so we can all stop caring now.)
If anyone's seen this rumor elsewhere, drop us a line. And Love's wacked-out performance at the Comedy Central roast for Pamela Anderson was merely a metaphorical suicide, so it doesn't count.