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Now is the time when we take a break from the nonstop celeb-baiting action to offer thanks to our advertisers, without whom we wouldn't be able to have exciting, exciting giveaways like the one below. If you'd like to advertise on Defamer and reach the kinds of consumers whose love for spending money on your product or service is second only to their love of adorable kittens, see this page.

· Pretty Persuasion
· 40 Year Old Virgin
· LA Gear
· Thymes
· Jason Mraz
· Aristocrats
· Comedy Central
· American Apparel

Sponsored Contest: Pretty Persuasion is offering a $100 salon gift certificate from SpaFinder and a Pretty Persuasion t-shirt/panty set to a soon-to-be-pretty Gawker or Defamer reader. More info on how you can win stuff after the jump:

Sponsored by: "Pretty Persuasion: Evan Rachel Wood leads an all-star cast in the Sundance Standout, PRETTY PERSUASION, "a jaw dropping marvel of inappropriateness" opening in New York and Los Angeles on August 12th. More info at,

To enter, just send in an email to with the subject line Pretty Persuasion Contest before Monday, August 15th. An email will be picked at random to win both prizes. By emailing your entry, you agree to our Contest Rules.