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Last night on CNN, Anderson Cooper interviewed Radar contributing writer Kim Masters about her Tom Cruise cover story for the latest issue:

AC: The Church of Scientology alleges that two people quoted in your article were paid $300,000. Were some of your sources paid by Radar for the story?

KM: You know, honestly, I don't know what the — what that means or what it's about. We spoke to quite a number of fallen-away Scientologists. They were on the record and as far as we were concerned, they were entitled to have their say.

AC: So you didn't pay anyone?

KM: We certainly didn't pay anyone, no.

AC: Does Radar have $300,000?

Oh, Anderson — you're hilarious without even trying. So innocent; such mock navete.

To answer the question: Of course not Radar doesn't have that kind of money. All their cash went to paying George Lois to reproduce his old covers.

August 11, 2005 Transcript [CNN]