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• It's relatively well-known that Jessica Simpson was paid $200k to appear on the premiere cover of the U.S. issue of OK!, but today's Page Six reveals that her genius father brokered a package deal: That fee covers six covers of the rag, and during that time Simpson is prevented from appearing in any other major magazine features. So don't hold your breath for that "Jessica's Sexy New Ankle Bracelet!" story in Cosmo. [Page Six]
• Are you not just SO totally excited for Lindsay Lohan's new album, which will contain a song expressing the pain of her broken family? Why can't you just stay out of her personal life? [Lowdown]
• As we mentioned yesterday, Kimora Lee Simmons has entered a pretrial intervention program for driving like a pot-addled maniac. Apparently, this program will keep her out of the slammer — but really, if it's not held at the Promises rehab, it's as good as prison. [R&M]
• We're not sure why Matt LeBlanc decided to confess to the National Enquirer that he almost cheated on his wife with a naked stripper, but at least she was naked. [Page Six]
• Demi Moore is seriously amazing. After being pregnant and miscarrying according to the Star and National Enquirer, she just might be pregnant after all. But at this point, do you really give a shit? Either poop that kid out or don't, let's just move on. [Scoop]