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Great news from the world of celebrity weeklies, a magical land which forevermore shall be thought of as Geniusville:

A binoculars-toting reporter for People magazine was arrested Saturday for trespassing on Brad Pitt's oceanfront property in Santa Barbara, where a fourth birthday party was being held for Angelina Jolie's son, Maddox.

But isn't People supposed to be above these privacy-invading tactics? Apparently not. In the car of 23-year-old culprit Jeffrey Weiss, police found a copy of an email from a People editor containing detailed directions to the property and instructions for effective stalking. Very smooth — and it reminds us of a special moment back in 2003:

People magazine correspondent [Don Sider] was arrested Sunday and charged with criminal trespassing after sheriff's deputies found his car stuck in the mud on a private road near actor Ben Affleck's 83-acre Georgia estate....Sider, 70, told a sheriff's deputy that he was a People reporter and acknowledged seeing the "no trespassing signs and locked gates..."

Some 'tards never learn.

Busted for Snooping on Pitt [Page Six]
September 17, 2003 [TSG]