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Today's Times introduces us to Kevin Cahoon, a Broadway actor who also moonlights as a downtown rocker fronting the band Ghetto Cowboy:

Mr. Cahoon said Ghetto Cowboy audiences usually consist of friends from the theater world, women "in their late 30's and early 40's" and teenagers "who make their own T-shirts." Also counted among fans of Mr. Cahoon is Anderson Cooper, the CNN news anchor, who has seen Ghetto Cowboy perform at CBGB and Don Hill's.

"He's stiletto sharp," Mr. Cooper said of Mr. Cahoon. "His sense of his own body and how he inhabits his own space is really unique. There's a physicality to him."

Anderson Cooper is a fan of a fishnet-clad glam rocker and his ghetto cowboys? Seems he's posing more and more of a challenge for those poor CNN publicists.

From Creepy Menace to Glam Rocker [NYT]