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When the NY Times starts asking about the negative ("travel blog"-borne) buzz surrounding your painfully hot, "if you're not drinking here tonight, you might as well be jerking off donkeys in West Virginia, Cletus" nightspot, you'd better put down the $25 mai tai, stop giving the finger to the hotel guest who wants to take a dip in the pool, and attempt an explanation.

According to Amanda Scheer-Demme, who partnered with the hotel to run the Tropicana, she was initially taken aback by the early negative reviews. But the criticism, she said, has been constructive. "When you're working hard on something you tend to have blinders on," she said, "It's great to hear, 'Hey, dude, you need to fix this.' "

By the end of the week, the Roosevelt Hotel will make an earnest attempt to better accommodate its guests at times when its Tropicana has achieved maximum starfucking density. They're hard at work installing an inflatable pool behind three feet of bulletproof glass a mere fifty feet from the poolside bar, allowing the less interesting and not-so-great a place to cool off and safely enjoy a cocktail. Meanwhile, a reader reports that things are still hopping during construction of the Civilian Celebrity Viewing Annex:

Spotted Sunday at Amanda Scheer Demme's Tropical Fuckmarket: Eva Longoria with a hick-chic boytoy, PJ Dickslip (AKA Johnny Knoxville) expertly culling the hottest/most insecure girl from a pride of models (Dear Johnny Knoxville's wife Melanie, WTF, seriously?) and Lionel Richie holding court from his balcony above it all like a benevolent dictator. Also a bunch of steakhead male models ruining it for the rest of us. Enough with the backflips into the pool, dude. We get it.

Well, we can't expect change to happen overnight, can we?

[We still have Tales from the Trop to share (thanks for the great response), but keep sending them in. More TK.]