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• Bungalow 8 and Bette restaurant owner Amy Sacco continues her quest for total domination: Sarah Jessica Parker's Prettymatches Productions (how cute) has signed a deal with HBO to produce a tv series based on Sacco's "story." [Page Six]
• Behold the power of Madonna, who's scored a major "get" by luring David and Victoria "Posh Spice" Beckham into Kabbalah's shiny clutches. [Scoop]
• More thoughts on Bonnie Fuller, Abortionist: It's increasingly clear that Demi Moore was never pregnant and, as such, AMI publications were forced to cover their tracks and report a miscarriage. Classy! [Gatecrasher]
• Paris Hilton, it seems, has an imposter. Why anyone would want to masquerade as a mentally deficient harlot is beyond us. [R&M]
• Rick Hilton calls his wife Kathy "Mommy." Didn't need to know that, didja? [Page Six]