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A Defamer spy watched in horror as a mobile pet grooming van found itself immobilized in the parking structure at the Pavilions at Beverly and Olympic, an accident that threatened to wreak untold havoc on the schedules of spoiled pets all over town:

This Hollywood Grooming mobile grooming van, described on the company’s website as “state-of-the art,” and “the most advanced in California,” got itself stuck going the wrong way into the Pavilions parking structure. At the time this photo was taken, several emergency technicians were busy trying to extract the van from the garage, desperately trying to keep to the day’s schedule. Our thoughts are with the shitzus of Beverly Hills, who may have to go without their day’s “Relaxing Fluff Dry by Hand,” their “Mini Massage,” and (we did not make this up) their “Express Anal Gland” — all services offered by the good Samaritans at Hollywood Grooming.

"State of the art" indeed. If only the van had been equipped with the laser technology perfected by Paradise Ranch, the groomers could've blasted their way to freedom and kept their clients' inconvenience to a minimum.