Gawker Hotties: Hot Gossip on the Hot Gossips

Still trying to make up your mind on who deserves your Hot Gossips vote? Here come the testimonials.
They're awfully personal in this batch, proving, we think, that the gossipers take their man-on-the-street reporting duties seriously. Take this Ben Widdicombe endorsement, for example, which leaves little to the imagination:
"I'm going to nominate Gatecrasher Ben Widdicombe as a gossip hottie. He's got a pleasing face, though he could do with a bit more time in the gym since it seems that all the canapes and cocktails he's been consuming of late have gone straight to his middle. I must confess that I have actually swapped bodily fluids with the poison-penned Aussie. He's pretty good in the sack. I've had better, believe me, but I've also had worse."
Indeed. Others were more aspirational, and also much more specific, like this entry for Hudson Morgan: "Those long fingers of his are so hot." (Don't worry: Plenty of folks, after the jump, found Hud's other parts hot, too.)
And a fan of Campbell Robertson was so impassioned she found standard English insufficient to express her feelings: "No need to mention any names, only adjectives: Campbell-licious!"
Lots more comments after the jump — including some for the girls, who apparently don't drive their admirers to unbridled expressions of admiration the way the boys do.
[Sorry for the delay on this. Server's been down for a little while, and fixing it is way above our pay grade.]
Earlier: Gawker Hotties: New York's Hot Gossips [Go vote here.]
"It has to be Emily Holt, the sassy, Penelope Cruz lookalike gossip girl at Women's Wear Daily's Eye section. She's got understated elegance (a rarity in this town) and impeccable style, plus, she's got a kitsch-tastic sense of humor, and loves Neil Diamond."
"Please, like you'd ever leave Hud off the list. Anyway, consider this an official nomination."
"Ben Widdicombe, for several reasons. Primarily, because: (1) He's a hotter Aussie than Russell Crowe & Nicole Kidman combined; (2) He wins the sympathy vote after the weathering an appendix op with barely a blip on his gossip-gathering; (3) He's the only gossip who regularly provides both intriguing and solvable blind items; and (4) He isn't Lloyd Grove."
"Campbell, my Campbell, whenever I pass you in the hallway, I swoon inside, even though you have no clue who I am. I would nominate you any day of the week and twice on sunday. Sigh...."
"Hud Morgan, of course. Boy to Lloyd Grove's man. Daily News assistant and growing Internet legend. So hot. And we went to high school together, so I admit to feeling hot just by association."
"Chris Rovzar of Rush & Molloy. If he's good enough for Yale's 50 Most Beautiful People, he's surely good enough for Gawker."
"Jessica Joffe (not really a gossip columnist per se but she is majorly hot and since you said you were bending the rules a bit). If that doesn't work than I vote for Ben Widdicombe."
"Paula Froelich, Page 6 goddess, of course."
"Obviously Hudson Morgan. Even his name is fuckable."
"Jeannette Walls, of course. I'm gay, and I'd sleep with her, as would any thinking person."
"The hottest gossip I know, and I know my share, is Emily Holt from Women's Wear Daily/W Magazine. Besides being gorgeous and well-dressed, she is really one of my favorite people to be around."
"Campbell, Campbell, Campbell!"
"Assuming I haven't been beaten to the punch by every straight girl and homo boy in NYC: I nominate Hud Morgan."
"Not that she isn't a hottie in her own right, but in a field full of unwieldy hair — facial or otherwise (Whipple, Musto) — and old ladies, Emily Holt at W/WWD/the eye is clearly the hottest gossip hottie."
"Oh my God. Ben Widdicombe. Is there even a debate? He's got that steely-eyed thing going. And that accent!"
"Jeannette Walls in a heartbeat — she's classy, smart, beautiful, and somehow seems to rise above the pettiness of some of her topics even while digging into them with gusto."
"Ben Widdicombe. Duh! He's blonde, tall, hails from a tacky Aussie suburb, and is 100 percent gay-dorable. "
"I nominate Hud Morgan. I had sex with him just three days ago."
"Ben Widdicombe — I'm not sure which team he's playing for, but he sure is cute."
"Consider this my nomination for Hud. I dig a man who's comfortable wearing a grosgrain belt."
"This is my plea for the inclusion of the oh-so-lovely Chris Rovzar of the Rush & Molloy column, he of the chic blond hair, sparkling eyes, and effortless social grace."
"Jo Piazza: Penn smartie, Tridelt cutie, and now gossip babe extraordinaire. Is being hit on by Nick Lachey at Maxim's Super Bowl party last year proof enough of her hotness?"
"Hud Morgan: Super flip-collar prepster who went into the bathroom with a coworker at a VF birthday party for at least half an hour (what can I say, I was jealous so I noticed); I'm sure the gay men love him, too."
"Jo Piazza from the Daily News! She is a sassy, classy, beer-drinking and fried-food-eating, ivy-league educated gossip hottie. And the girl loves a good midget joke. Seriously, it doesn't get much better than that. "
"As if I need to, but I nominate Ben Widdicombe. That floppy mop and reptilian smirk get me every time."
"Nick Lachey would nominate Jo Piazza, if he knew about this contest. He probably doesn't know about it, though, so can I nominate her?"
"I vote for NYDN's Chris Rovzar, because, dammit, he looks like he walked straight out of one of those comic books aimed at preteen Japanese girls. A genuine pretty boy is so hard to come by (no pun intended)."
"I would like to nominate the ever dapper yet drunk Hudson Morgan."
"I must vote for Jo Piazza.... the Nick/Jessica thing speaks for itself. And she's one of Hamptons magazine's most eligible singles, alongside Amanda Hearst and Kim Cattrall."
"No doubt, it's gotta be my favorite pink-polo-pimping dirt-dishing dreamboat: Hudson Morgan."