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Like a wild-haired John the Baptist strolling in from the desert*, but to announce that He ain't never coming, so quit asking, comedian Charlie Murphy says that Chappelle's Show is no more:

`Chappelle's Show' is over, man. Done," comic Charlie Murphy told TV Guide. "It took me a long time to be able to say those words, but I can say it pretty easy now, because it's the truth." [...]

"I'm disappointed it ended the way it did, but I'm not angry with anybody," he said. "`Chappelle's Show' was like the Tupac of TV shows. It came out, it got everybody's attention, it was a bright shining star, but it burned out and for some strange reason, it burned out quick."

Let us all take a moment to fall to our knees and scream a final, primal "I'm Rick James, bitch!"** to the heavens. This is a sad day, indeed.

[*We're way too distraught to come up with a better analogy.]

[**"Does Wayne Brady have to choke a bitch?" is also acceptable.]