New Techniques in Media Relations

Find letters to the editor and demands for corrections insufficiently blunt instruments for airing your grievances with a media organization? Consider taking a page from GlobeTel Communications Corp. (or, at least, a big fan of the company with a lot of time on his hands).
Observant pedestrians on Sixth Avenue yesterday afternoon noticed two flyers taped to all the Muni-Meters in front of the News Corporation building, home to the New York Post. One flyer was a press release, "GlobeTel Responds to Article in New York Post," and the other way a big photo of the article's author, business columnist Chris Byron, with this commentary:
Bottom line: Remember the name, because Christopher Byron is one NY Post columnist embodying so much of what is wrong with journalism, that they ought to make it a case study in journalism schools. But, don't tell the sleepy-heads at the NY Post... you might wake them up!
We admit we've heard the Posties called many things, and even called them a few ourselves. But "sleepy-heads"? Now that's low.
Closeups of both flyers after the jump.