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The second we saw the lede, we knew it was going to be good: "By the time you've watched just one hour of the Fox show 'American Idol,' Rupert Murdoch has lost $7,990 on the New York Post." We're surprised it took the Daily News this long to issue the requisite taunt in light of Friday's resignation of Post publisher Lachlan Murdoch, but now that they have, we're anticipating some daily ankle biting from both papers' business desks. To make the inevitable retort run a bit more smoothly, we've gone ahead and taken the Daily News bitchslap and edited it so that the Post can easily slip it into tomorrow's paper:

The Post [Daily News] was supposed to be a proving ground for Lachlan Murdoch [Mort Zuckerman], who took over the helm five years [over a decade] ago. But in spite of slashing [keeping] the cover price to 25 cents from [at] 50 cents and investing in a [another] new $250 million printing press [random editor], the paper remains a big black hole.

Post Publisher Jumped a Ship Leaking Millions [NYDN]