Monday Morning Box Office: "Stealth" Bomber

Cling to the weekend's box office numbers, the only things that keep you from taking the money from your Monday morning coffee run and bolting for the Mexican border.
1. Wedding Crashers—$20.5 million
After two consecutive weeks of being on top, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory very politely stepped aside to give Wedding Crashers a turn at being number one. The two movies seem happy to Hoover up the relatively few people who were drawn out of their air conditioned homes for a trip to the theater, and would-be competitors like The Island and Stealth were quite content to silently bomb. This could be the last weekend of the Charlie/Crashers blockade; on Friday, Dukes of Hazzard should once again prove people's thirst for the recycled, the familiar, and most crucially, for Jessica Simpson's denim-clad ass.
2. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory—$16.4 million
For once, there's really no shame in second place. OK, there's a little bit of shame (Wasn't it Walt Disney who said, "There's winning and there's misery?), but that $148 million Charlie's hauled in takes some of the sting out of it.
3. Sky High—$14.6 million
We still haven't seen a single commercial for Sky High. We've really got to ask the judge to unblock the V-chip that prevents us from watching Nickelodeon or any Saturday morning programming. It's starting to affect our job.
4. Stealth—$13.5 million
First The Island, now Stealth. It's starting to feel like a big, dumb action movie will never win again, and that makes us a little sad.
5. Must Love Dogs—$13.05 million
We hope that the $13 million in Must Love Dogs ticket sales directly contributed to post-date sex. Still, you should probably feel a little ashamed of yourselves for enabling John Cusack's continuing fall from grace, even in the cynical pursuit of getting laid.