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In Sunday's front page Styles article about not-so-secret secret bar beneath La Esquina, the Times inadvertantly answers an age-old question: Who is responsible for the Ronsons, those omnipresent DJ-designer-scenester siblings Mark, Charlotte, Samantha? We always assumed that RonsonBots were harvested in the back room of a meth lab, but one actually needn't look further than British "rock and roll socialite" (via her marriage to Foreigner's Mick Jones) Ann Dexter-Jones. We feel stupid for not having realized this before:

What's cool is that there are the boldfaced names, but it's not a scene," said Ann Dexter-Jones, the boldfaced socialite, who received a call from one of [La Esquina co-owner Serge] Becker's partners. Her daughter Charlotte Ronson, a clothing designer, has been there as well...

So THAT's where the Ronsons came from: uptown.

[Image via New York Social Diary]
Remember, You Didn't Read About It Here [NYT]