The Projectionist: Like We Know What's Going To Happen?

As Friday happy hour hurtles towards you like a runaway train full of pina coladas (What does that even mean? We've already checked out, obviously.), do your best to enjoy the final hours of cubicle hell before giving yourself over to Hollywood's weekend relief.
1. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory—$18 million
At the risk of exposing our profound ignorance about what's going to happen this weekend, we must admit we have no f'ing idea what's going to happen this weekend. When in doubt, pick last week's winner. Seems safe, doesn't it? We like safe. In fact, our safety word is "STOP!", just to take out the risk of being misunderstood during some aggressive S&M play. To sum up: Charlie? Sure, why not?
2. Wedding Crashers—$17 million
We're not giving ourselves a lot of wiggle room by "projecting" WC to finish a mere million behind the possible winner. This is as close to living on the edge as we're willing to attempt right now.
3. Sky High—$15 million
Hold on, this is a movie? With Mrs. John Travolta? Aimed at kids? Sure it is.
4. Stealth—$14 million
We momentarily retract the statement "we have no f'ing idea what's going to happen this weekend." We do know one thing: Stealth is going to bomb, and bomb big.
5. Must Love Dogs—$13 million
It's hard not to sit down on the curb outside of the 7-11, take a swig out of some Olde English in a brown paper bag, and contemplate the fact Lloyd Dobler has grown up to be a man that stars in things called Must Love Dogs. So we won't. You win again, Hollywood.