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Defamer is committed to connecting Hollywood directors who lack the funds to hire separate employees to handle driving, cooking, cleaning, pet-tending, and assistant tasks with ambitious job-hunters willing and able to do anything for a chance to get their hands dirty (an occupational hazard of doggy poop-scooping ) in the business. Offers Craigslist:

Personal Assistant to Hollywood director
Extroadinary [sic] opportunity for someone looking to learn the entertainment business from a seasoned hollywood director. We are looking for a female non-smoker with no pets (but loves the director's puppy) for a live in personal assistant position. We will provide a car, cell phone, room and board. The job requirements include scheduling, cooking, cleaning and basic home office duties. All in all, the job will take literally 4-5 hours a day and the rest of your time is your own.

Your self-respect, however, belongs to Mr. Seasoned Hollywood Director and Fluffy.