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Not to kick a man while he's in the throes of an existential dilemma induced by the first failure of an otherwise brilliant career, but a reader spotted Michael Bay in Westwood the other night, and what begins as a brief critique of the director's cinematic aesthetic ends with an offhanded, yet scathing, indictment of his style. Thus another installment of the long-dormant Fauxteur Fashion Minute is born:

Thursday night at the "W" hotel bar in Westwood, I saw the Bad Boy himself, Michael Bay. A friend said he was making laps around the bar, and like passing a 3 vehicle accident on the 405, I had to look for myself. Sure enough, there was "Mr. Forget The Story, I Just Want It To Look Cool" himself. Oh, and I don't think his shirts come with the top 4 buttons.

While on set, it might be acceptable to unbutton a shirt and give those adrenaline-hardened nipples a little relief from the intense heat of a dozen exploding automobiles. But when out for a night on the town, maybe it's best to keep things buttoned up, and leave images of the overgrown footpath to the Happy Trail strictly to the imagination.

Next time on the Fauxteur Fashion Minute: Stealth's Rob Cohen wears a sailor suit to the Santa Monica Pier.