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• Greece is a little behind, but they've finally gotten their feta-encrusted hands on Paris Hilton's sex tape. That's going to go over fabulously with the Latsis family — they've always wanted to mix blood with an American trollop! [Star]
• A reminder to all Conde Nasties: Con Edison is recommending that 4 Times Square conserves energy, so turn off your computer once you're done reading this post.
• Spam mail gets visually earnest. Can you deny Mr. Usman Bello, who is very much in need of your assistance, if he sends you a video of himself begging? [OMG]
• We KNEW Ann Coulter was lying about her age. [Towleroad]
• For once, the fish smell wasn't coming from us, and we will always remember that. Au revoir, Fulton Fish Market. [New Partisan]
• We've had nothing but support for the UK during these tense times, but if they're not going to explicitly advertise alcohol in relation to sex, we might have to reconsider the strength of our loyalty. [Times UK]