• We're certainly going to regret even mentioning this, but if you're smart enough to figure out where the pasty souls of Gawker Media are convening to tackle the Midwestern twats of The Onion for tonight's Softball Match of Destruction, you're welcome to come and dump Gatorade on Denton's glistening head. First one to die of heatstroke loses! [Oddjack]

And, for the rest of you normal folk:

• Clap Your Hands Say Yeah perform tonight at Mercury Lounge with Maxi Geil and, surprise, the Scissor Sisters (aka Portion Control). The bloggers who helped make this statement newsworthy are likely responsible for the show being sold out. We have faith in your ability to scalp your way in, though. [ML]
• No jokes here: National Book Award winner Ha Jin reads from his harrowing Korean War novel War Trash at SummerStage tonight. An interview with him follows if you really want to kill off your Zoloft prescription. [flavorpill]
• Regarding the Todd Levin/Bob Powers comedy show How to Kick People: find out yourself at Mo Pitkin's at 7:30pm. [HTKP]