• Channel your inner street kid and head on over to Williamsburg's Galapagos, which screens Piece by Piece, an investigation into the San Francisco graffiti scene. Afterwards, talk disparagingly of the Time graffiti billboard and how it's the death of a medium or something. [flavorpill]
• Are you bored and/or completely ignorant as to how this whole internet-thang works? We mean, really bored and completely ignorant? Then head on over to Makor for "The Revenge of Online Media," in which Elizabeth Spiers* (Mediabistro), Anthony Perry (Blogads), Bill Grueskin (WSJ Online), and Bryan Keefer (Columbia Journalism Review Daily) talk shop. They didn't base the title of this event on Revenge of the Nerds for nothing. [92Y]
• It's hot as hell outside. It was also hot as hell outside in Spike Lee's Do the Right Thing, which plays at Anthology Film Archives tonight at 7:30pm. Let's keep racial insults to a minimum, please. [AFA]

*Disclaimer: Elizabeth Spiers was the founding editor of Gawker.