Lexington, Kentucky: If You Can Make it There, You'll Make It Anywhere
We don't read the Lexington, Kentucky, newspaper very often, because we were under the impression that neither the paper nor, frankly, the city offered much of interest to New Yorkers.
Apparently, however, we were mistaken. Today's Lexington Herald-Leader breathlessly reports that the world's first New York Times Bookstore is coming to — where else? — Lexington's Blue Grass Airport.
We can't decide what befuddles us most: That the newspaper is opening a bookstore, or that it's doing so in Kentucky. So instead we'll consider simply the orgy of Timesiana that will be for sale:
In addition to hardback and paperback copies of books on The New York Times' best seller list, the store at Blue Grass Airport will have a children's section; an online station allowing people to log onto The New York Times Web site; a plasma screen television running programming from the Discovery Times Channel, book-related videos, and news and documentaries produced by The New York Times; and New York Times souvenirs and gifts. Of course, the newspaper itself will be for sale there.
"It's going to have the look and feel of The New York Times," Passavanti said.
And, really, it's about time for that. Because there's nothing we like more than leaving the airport covered in smudged ink.
First Times Bookstore to Be in Lexington [Lexington Herald-Leader]