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We admit we were just a touch skeptical about the alleged New York mag assistant editor who was refused admission to a Meatpacking hotspot. It's tough to imagine a magazine person who'd pull that move in person — telling the bouncer, "You're denying entrance to an assistant editor for New York magazine?" If it were us, we'd call in advance and try to pull media cred to get a reservation, because the risk of refusal at the door is too high — and would be too public.

More than that, though, if we were a real assistant editor trying to pull rank, we wouldn't actually call ourselves an assistant editor. Media folks know assistant editors are often just fact-checkers and cub reporters; they won't get nothing. As an assistant editor, it is not inaccurate to say, "I am an editor at such-and-such," and that line would have more chance of success.

So we're not surprised to hear this from a New York pal, pointing out that the specifics of this gatecrasher — who, our original tipster said, was "a tall, 30-ish brunette" — don't quite work, either:

the only 2 female assistant editors on our masthead are Susan Avery (children's editor in her late 30s, stays home with her child all the time) and Stephanie Wargin (petite woman in her late 20s with glasses). Neither were near the meatpacking district on Saturday night. Could it be an imposter??

Could it? If anyone's got more info, let us know.

Earlier: 'New York' Asst. Ed. Takes on Bouncer, Fails Miserably