Gawker Hotties: Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

Last week we heard it for the boys. But now it's ladies' night (or, well, week). And if we're looking for a gorgeous group of female Gawker Hotties, where better to head than just across Times Square from last week's NYT festivities?
Ladies and gentlemen, nominations are now officially open for Gawker Hotties' Women of Conde Nast.
Lots of people have a thing for Vogue editrix Anna Wintour, but be sure to let us know if you're one of them. Or perhaps you're the bookish sort, with a yen for New Yorker fiction editor Deborah Treisman. Hell, maybe you just dig tough-talking PR broads, and Conde Hotties begins and ends for you with coporate communications veep Maurie Perl. Whatever your predilection, let us know, and make a good case for your candidate. (For lesser-known Nasties, a photo wouldn't hurt, either.)
Rules are the same as last week: Send in your nominations by noon Wednesday. The polls open Thursday morning, and voting runs through the weekend.