The Projectionist: Another Weekend Of Dirty Chocolate Headlines

Here comes the weekend! Whether you're a fan of reimaginings, remakes, or movies that feel like remakes, your local film exhibitor has something for you!
1. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory—$30 million
Put aside the fact that we paid our own, somewhat hard-earned money to see it last Sunday, really enjoyed Tim Burton's take on the material, and wouldn't mind seeing quality rewarded—we want Charlie in first so we can read more inadvertently filthy headlines like this: "Depp's 'Chocolate Factory' has tasty opening"
2. The Island—$27 million
Our head says that The Island should be able to eke out a win over Charlie, but our gut tells us that something ain't quite right with the movie. Probably Michael Bay.
3. Wedding Crashers—$19 million
Within two weeks, it won't be possible to find a wedding reception free of some jackass approaching every woman in the place and asking if he can "put the tip in, just to see how it feels." Decide for yourself whether or not this is a good thing.
4.Bad News Bears—$17 million
Maybe it's just the oppressive (by soft, SoCal standards) heat, but why can't we get excited about Billy Bob Thornton and the Bad Santa guys doing their thing to Buttermaker?
5. Hustle & Flow—$12 million
This is more of a protest vote than anything, as we can't bear to write anything else about Fantastic Four.