Gawker Hotties: Polls Are Still Open

If you haven't already, go vote in our first-ever Gawker Hotties competition, this week focusing on Men of the Times. There are two categories, Love Him for His Brain and Love Him for His Body, so be sure to vote for one finalist in each.
Can't figure out whom to vote for? Perhaps some testimonials — all from the nomination phase — will help. Here are a few of our favorites:
"Sexiness at the Times beings and ends with a man named Paul Krugman."
"Campbell Robertson totally has Boldface Game."
"Bob Herbert. I love that he's growing his afro long again. And the anger. The outrage. It's intoxicating."
"We nominate Bill Keller. Please. 'Daddy? Daddy? You there?'"
"I know he isn't in my community and all, but lets say he was, then I would love to Rammer Jammer Yellow Hammer Warren St. John. HOT!"
And it gets dirtier. Lots more enthusiastic endorsing, passionate argumentation, and wishful gay fantasies, all after the jump.
And rememeber: Voting ends Monday morning.
Earlier: Gawker Hotties: Men of the 'Times'
In no particular order, because we don't have the energy to sort them:
"But you HAVE to nominate Campbell Robertson. I know he's a little fey, and completely Southern, but he looks like something Willy Wonka shat out himself, in that he's sweet and delectable and charmingly petite. My friends and I swoon every time we see him in the flesh or captured digitally."
"If the charming, seersuckered Bill Keller doesn't get nominated, there's no justice in this world. Not only is he hot and the editor of the Times, but he's so sweet. Remember that memo he wrote when Adam Moss left the mag, something like, 'He hasn't even been gone a week and I miss him already.' C'mon. For one of the most powerful men in the country, he sure is emo. And HOT."
"No list is complete without Benoit Denizet-Lewis."
"I've always been partial to Warren St. John. He has these adorable eyes and really cute dimples. I saw him speak a few years ago when I lived in NYC and I couldn't concentrate on what he was saying. In all honesty I just wanted to clear the room and get my cock in his mouth. I know the guy is married, but since he's contributes in the style section I figure the odds are really in my favor."
"I'd have to say Nick Kristof. We were on the same plane to Phnom Penh from Bangkok a couple of years ago. In fact, I was reading his column in the International Herald Trib, when I looked up and saw the man himself. He's very nice and smart, with all the right politics but a staggeringly bad wardrobe. I'm serious — he was wearing some sort of candy-striped shirt and some (what looked to be) polyester chinos. But he has a cute smile and writes long, passionate op-eds about Cambodian child prostitution and Ethiopian fistula clinics, so he's the man for me."
"Paul Krugman. You have to love a man who can balance your chequebook, smash the deficit, and make interesting conversation, all while being indisputably clever. And I love the geeky Jewish boys. [Ed.: Um, hello?]"
"For people who love the silver foxes, Bill Keller himself has sort of a matinee idol look."
"I trust that Nick Confessore has already been nominated, since he's mentioned in your post about media hotties, but just in case not, I'd like to nominate him. He's got the best eyes."
"I vote for Campbell Robertson. Yummy!"
"It is all about Nick Kristoff — opinions are so sexy."
"Kelefa Sanneh is pretty cute, and I bet he plays good music when you do it."
"No one is sexier than that bastion of bitter bra-burning, Maureen Dowd. Except Paul Krugman."
"Men o' the Times: It's gotta be former hostage Jeffrey Gettleman."
"Tony Scott is sultry sexy. I nominate him."
"My nomination for The Times hottie award goes to Nicholas D. Kristof. OK, so the grizzled hair and overly cleft chin don't immediately scream SEX, but just play one of Kristof's thoughtful, incisive multimedia presentations and you'll see what I mean. It's all about That Voice: so well-annunciated, so sincere, so... sexy."
"If there is a best eyes category, I'd give the nod to that preppy wonk, Nick Confessore."
"Only one nomination possible in my book: BENOIT DENIZET-LEWIS. Ta da."
"Nicholas Kristof — the man owns prostitutes in foreign countries, for goodness sakes! Very sexy!"
"I personally have a thing for Nicholas D. Kristof. His passion for travel and the rights of Cambodian prostitutes have made me swoon. When he bought the freedom of a two girls, I was really hooked. I also love his reader response blog. And that thick brown hair."
"How can we forget Will Shortz? Sundays wouldn t be the same without him."
"I have to put in another plug for Paul Krugman. He s very clippable. Very, very clippable."
"He's like a little brother to me... but still hot. Kelefa Sanneh of the Times."
"Campbell Robertson. No contest."
"Men of the Times: Paul Krugman, OF COURSE."
"I'd like to nomiate Nicholas Kristof as my favorite hottie at the Times. He has that whole 'I look like a 1980s anchorman with my big hair and shoulder-padded blue blazers' look. Choice."
"A.O. Scott. He looks nerdy in his photo, but his reviews make me so excited. Once, I looked in the Times archives to read reviews he had written like three years ago. He has written like, thousands of them. That's cool as shit."
"Having known Nick Confessore since he was about 8 years old, I would like to nominate him as THE hottest Times reporter. Not only is he quite clever, but he happens to have the most amazing blue eyes I have ever seen in real life."
"A.O. Scott. He has been spotted at the Park Slope food co-op, he's kind of dorky cool, and his mom is an academic genius."
"You forgot to mention that Nick Confessore, in addition to his 'preppy wonkiness,' plays the guitar. Now that's hot."
"Without question, hottest man at the Times hands down is Warren St. John."
"Jeffrey Gettleman is the ONLY man who merits this."
"It's gotta be Will Shortz. Hottttt in the publicity picture, even hotter voice on his weekly NPR stint. And OCD has got to be a plus in the bedroom."
"Jeffrey Gettleman: His biggest scoop in Baghdad was finding where to get the Seize sur Vingts and a decent coif in time for Charlie Rose."
"Kelefa Sanneh: Brainy and nice lips. "
"I vote for Bob 'Hunka Hunka' Herbert because, though he principally rocks the 'Preppy Harlem' look, his tight hair, unblinking eyes, and righteous indignation manage to break through my hetro skin and soothe my heart. Plus, advocating on behalf of yayo purveyors would send any NYC girl's heart aflutter."