• Gus Van Sant's Cobain-inspired Last Days, featuring the typically disheveled Michael Pitt as the typically disheveled Kurt Cobain-type, screens at MoMA tonight. The show starts at 9:00pm, giving you plenty of time to get your smacked-up, flannel shirt-wearing self over there. [flavorpill]
• Clap Your Hands Say Yeah parlay their recent Pitchfork/blogger adulation into a sold-out gig at Southpaw. Like you were gonna go to Brooklyn, anyway. [SP]
• And the event all you masochistic wannabe dot-com entrepaneurs have been waiting for: Mediabistro.com CEO Laurel Touby appears at Makor to describe how she turned a monthly gathering of alcoholic editors and writers into a legitimate business. Hint: It probably wasn't the with the feather boa. [92Y]