Gawker Hotties: Operators Are Standing By!

A quick reminder, folks, that we'll be accepting nominations for Men of the Times till noon tomorrow.
We've received dozens of suggestions, from expected names to the more surprising. (Who knew so many readers had things for Paul Krugman? Or that one is into Johnny Apple? Then again, we would have figured at least someone would have a thing for Arthur "Sugardaddy" Sulzberger, but apparently not.) Still, we're looking for more:
One request, though: Please please please no more identically phrased nominations for fashion writer Eric Wilson. If you're going to do coordinated campaigns, at least be creative.
Voting begins Thursday morning.
[The pic, apparently, is of Dave Draper as he was named Mr. America at BAM in 1965. What fascinating things Google Images doesn't tell you but the man's wife does.]