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It's been a couple of months since we've received any reports about Brett Ratner's reckless abuse of the city's handicapped parking spaces, but a reader's (admittedly unverifiable) sighting has tipped us off to more of the director's automotive shenanigans. Beware, women of Beverly Hills, for you're not even safe from this Bentley-borne menace while encased in your steel cocoon:

So I'm driving through Beverly Hills. I notice a black Bentley in front of me has a guy hanging out the passenger window. It's Brett Ratner trying to get the attention of a young, hot blond driving a white Mercedes with an Alabama tag and a George W bumper sticker. The disgusting game of car flirting went on for far too long until they finally hit a traffic light. Ratner then told her something lame like "you're gorgeous" and she laughed a naive, red-state laugh, then yelled out her phone number and drove off into the sunset.

"You're gorgeous" is a little trite, but the physics of moving vehicles make it pretty hard to conduct the follow-up explanation necessary to use the more intriguing, "How would you like to be my mutant hooker?"