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An alert reader points us to this event, posted on Mediabistro:

From Cocktails to CEO: The Mediabistro Story
Date Jul 20, 2005, 7:30PM to 9:00PM
Location New York, NY USA
Cost $12/$15
Dress casual
Address Makor/Steinhardt Center of the 92nd Street Y
35 West 67th Street
New York, NY
Details Starting a business from scratch isn't easy, particularly in New York. founder and CEO Laurel Touby describes how she built an informal monthly cocktail party into a multi-million dollar business, starting with no money down.

The story of Mediabistro: Job listings. Job listings. Blast emails. Self-consciously "wacky" accessories. And job listings.

We just saved you $15, and got you your Wednesday night back.

You're welcome.

From Cocktails to CEO [mb]
About Us [mb]
How to Party — And Build a Business [NY Sun]