• Insound, the music vendor for people who still actually buy CDs, throws a Pre-Siren Fest party with the Ponys, Chin Up Chin Up, Be Your Own PET, and Rahim. Because you know you want to hang out with sweaty dirty people in a club before you do it again at Coney Island. [flavorpill]
• Did your kid ask you to camp out to pick up the latest Harry Potter installment at midnight tonight because he just haaad to have it first thing in the morning? Were you too spineless to tell the little fucker no? At least do it drunk and on a full stomach: the kind souls at Mcnally Robinson Booksellers are offering free food and booze from 10pm-12:30am (along with Tarot card readings and a DJ set) to help pass the time. 52 Prince st, between Lafayette and Mulberry.
• Every Chuck Taylor-rockin indie kid channeling their inner Seth Cohen descends upon the dirtiest beach in Brooklyn for the Village Voice's Siren Fest. Spoon, Mates of State, and Q and Not U vs. triple digit temperatures and the resulting body odor. One way or another, you'll be getting high. [flavorpill]
• Prefer to watch Johnny Depp channel his inner Michael Jackson or see Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson channel every single character they've ever played? Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and Wedding Crashers are now out in a desperate bid to revive Hollywood's box office performance. [Fandango]
• The Groovedeck at Bed NY plays host to another rooftop party, as illustriously chronicled in last week's Sunday Styles. Here's to hoping for another West Side building collapse. Oh no we didn't. [Upcoming]