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Apparently wearing his Reporter costume (as opposed to his usual Blogger footie pjs) and motivated to strive towards legitimacy, Jossip has directed his journalistic gaze towards he of the Navy Blue Prada Sweater, professional raft-swinger and friend of the "negros," Fabian Basabe. Some of the long-suffering "it" boy's more illuminating quotables:

• "A prior family engagement meant that I've had to be in Italy since shortly after the incident."
• "I am mortified by my own mouth."
• "I never made it to Tavern that night."
• "Going home early was the wisest decision I made all night."
• "I love the Hamptons and will definitely be back."
• "The type of language that I used at Star Room would earn a smack in the Basabe household."
• "The Daily News got more right, but when you're dealt 300 words or whatever in Page Six, they're of course going to miss some facts."
• "I was being a plum idiot."

"Plum?" Apparently Basabe prefers to speak in tones best evoked by your grandmother.

Fabian Basabe Will Make a Hamptons Return [Jossip]