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We'd like to thank the Daily News for making the effort to plan some budget-friendly evenings for lovebirds looking for a cheap night on the town, but we're ultimately dismayed by the total lack of accuracy in their reporting. Unfortunately, not a single date idea for under $20 is realistic. Here's their budget for a romantic night at the free movies in Bryant Park:

Baguette $1.40
Normandie brie $4.51
1/2-lb. Boar's Head prosciutto $5.99
1 lb. white seedless grapes $1.99
1 bottle of Gato Blanco, which is a blend of Sauvignon Blanc and Semillon $5.49
Total, including tax $19.84

Um, is this a joke? Let's be honest: With just some cheese and bread in your stomach, do you honestly think you're going to stop at one bottle of cheap wine? Hell no. You'll be shelling out for malt liquor as soon as the movie ends, and before you know it, you'll be slamming tequila shots at ESPN SportsZone. You know that tab won't be cheap. By the night's end, you'll be too drunk to take the subway, so tack on cab fare. And once you've been dropped off on your block, you know you're going to want pizza. Your little $20 budget was blown to hell hours ago, so you might as well splurge and buy the more expensive slice of bbq chicken. Oh, but your wallet's empty, so you need to grab some cash. Stop by the ATM at the deli, accept the $1.50 fee — oh, look, they have motorized lollipops, you have to get one of those...

At Under $20, It's a Date [NYDN]