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It's a good day today at Broadway and Leonard — although, we suppose, they're pretty much all good days down there. The boys of — you know, that quartet of 20-somethings you read about in The New Yorker back in January, the guys who from their $10,000/month Tribeca loft run a website you've never seen but your younger brother seems to find diverting — today signed a movie contract. It's not for any specific project yet; it's just a development deal, says Variety, "aiming to find feature projects reflecting the college experience along the lines of 1978's hit comedy 'National Lampoon's Animal House.'"

It'll be nicely remunerated developing, we're sure. And it comes on top of the money the boys make from their site and their faux-vintage t-shirts (around a half-mil a month at the end of last year, The New Yorker said) and the money they made from a book deal with Penguin earlier this year.

Which makes us realize: Gawker needs way more boob jokes.

Par for the Course [Variety]
Earlier: IMterview: The Boys of College Humor