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In this edition: Billy Crystal, Cybil Shepard, Christina Aguilera, Mary Louise Parker and Billy Crudup, Ed Norton and Diane von Furstenburg, Meryl Streep, Jon Stewart, Jay Z and Beyonce, Richard gere, Cynthia Nixon, Josh Hartnett, Zach Braff, Adrien Grenier, Andrew McCarthy, Robert Downey Jr., Aida Turturro, Jeremy Piven, Mickey Dolenz, Christopher MacDonald, Steve Nash, Donald and Melania Trump, Jim Jarmusch, Amy Poehler, Sophie Dahl and Pauley Shore.

I had just left my office when I ran into Billy Crystal. Actually, I should say it was more he ran into me. He smiled at me from half a block away and started to walk towards me as in recognition; he got within two feet and started to lunge in the half hug of casual friendship. I shirked him off with the glare of "I know who you are and I can assure you that you do not know me". To this he replied with the "Oh, yes, I am sorry I was mistaken" eyebrow lift/open mouth look of surprise/apology. He was wearing an oddly hued blue t-shirt and those half gray/half black looking jeans that aging rock stars favor, also, he looked to have had some "work" around the eye area.

Walking home on Columbus Avenue last night (7/11) around 8:30 saw a super-crazy dressed Cybil Shepard come out of the Haagen-Dazs around 68th street. She was working on a cone and was wearing a sarong patterned with no less than ROY G BIV and an equally mismatched top (plaid?). Her short curly blonde hair matched that of the gaggle of kids she joined outside on the sidewalk, already slurping sundaes and shakes.

While walking home on Saturday night 7/9 at 3:00 am, incredibly annoyed at the world, I saw midget Christina Aguilera, with her almost equally midget fianc e Jordan along with a few other couples on Central Park South past 5th avenue. She actually looked very nice — platinum hair, nice makeup, incredibly petite. Her and Jordan look like they'll produce offspring the size of Prince. I wanted to ask her to tell me I was beautiful no matter what they say, but my failed attempts to snap a shot of her with my camera phone just left her and her midget glaring.

I passed a very long-haired Mary Louise Parker just above the Washington Square arch on Wednesday morning. She was dressed casually in baggy cutoff jean shorts and a red t-shirt layered over a lighter colored shirt, and had that somewhat spaced out open-mouthed expression that she often exhibits on West Wing. She was pushing her baby (with hottie deadbeat dad Billy Crudup) in a stroller and was accompanied by a nanny type. Later, at the Friends of the High Line benefit at 55 Wall Street I spotted Ed Norton and Diane von Furstenberg.

Sunday, 7/10 I was walking with a friend and her dog down 13th street between 5th and 6th and who walks right past us but Meryl Streep, clad in shades and a white pants suit (it was dark outside- she caught my attention only because of the fact that she was wearing sunglasses) with who i can only assume were her husband and daughter. they laughed when the dog went up to her and sniffed her crotch.

The horrendous, never ending construction at 13th and 6th Ave didn't deter Jon Stewart this morning (Jul 14). He was pulling out of his parking garage in a big, black SUV, apparently getting an early start on the 6 hour trip to Amagansett. His hair was very grey and he looked a bit smug. His wife was in the passenger seat.

7/11/05- Saw Beyonce & Jay-Z on 7th b/t 56th and 57th around 8:00 p.m.- she looked gorgeous in a relatively simple long skirt, hair down, little make-up; he looked smaller than expected and dressed down in a simple t-shirt- very little fanfare, very unassuming- then they hopped into a phat-ass blue Bentley!

I saw Richard Gere getting out of a black car with a classy blond gal and swiftly entered a restaurant in the west village. He had really white hair and unruly eyebrows.

Tuesday, July 12, at 5:50pm on the M1 bus down Fifth Avenue - Cynthia Nixon got on at 62nd St. She had the most ridiculously high wedge sandals on, a kind of drab blue flowered dress and green jacket, carrying a bag that looked very east village. She went all the way to the back of the bus. Maybe one other person recognized her. She got off at 46th & Fifth. She walked west on 46th.

Josh Hartnett came into the store I work at today, (jul 13) on Crosby and Prince. He is a beautiful specimen up close, and I did manage to get as close as possible, its a jewelry store, we are allowed to touch. He was interested in getting some gold pieces for his girlfriend, who is??? He said she only wears gold... he left after a while and then came back, cause he missed me obviously. We didn't have the piece he wanted in stock so I was forced to give him my number and he said he would call in a few days, I make lots of sacrifices for my job.

Just walked by Zach Braff on Park Ave., around 36th street and wow, is he adorable. Perfectly mussed "i only use Bumble and Bumble products" hair. He was walking a small dog and looked a little dazed from the heat. Also, it looked like he had spilled some sort of sauce all over the front of his shirt (BBQ, maybe?). Didn't matter - I was still floored by the cuteness.

Saw Adrian Grenier outside of the Union Square movie theaters on Friday night with...his entourage. Not, like, THE Entourage, but still the whole thing brought on this baffling and surreal feeling of having been sucked into an HBO series. Is that Vince? Where's Turtle? Extremely unsettling.

thursday: a pale and pensive Andrew McCarthy was on the treadmill next to me at Equinox on Greenwich. He was ignoring the VH1 program about teen actors... We changed next to each other in the locker room and his body is a lot more dope than you'd imagine....

the very next night at the same homo-infested gym, Robert Downey Jr. made a late-night cameo. it s sad that I was at the gym at 930pm on a friday night, but thats not the point. He sang his little heart out while getting dressed and his assistant (?) just sat there, getting paid. Bobby looked a little tired, but was friendly enough to smile at me while I blew my nose.

Just saw Aida Turturro outside my office on 19th St. She was walking with a chatty girlfriend and they were both sweaty and dressed in shorts and tank tops, as if they'd been jogging, but upon further analysis they most likely were not. Aida looked exactly like Janice, only makeup-free, and a bit... nicer? Less insane?

Spotted Jeremy Piven at Bette over on West 23rd. He introduced himself to some extraordinarily hot blonde girls at a table adjacent to him. We were close enough to hear his opener, "Hi, my name is Jeremy". Full of confidence. Stayed at the table for a while, standing while 4 of them were sitting. Left with a small entourage of his own (4 very pretty women) but without the blonde whom he donated his line to. He wore jeans and had a bunch of arm band bracelet thingies.

Saw drummer Mickey Dolenz of the Monkees, strolling around in a white suit and wide-brimmed Panama hat at a movie after party last night, grinning at everybody, looking like an old Irish cop at this point but being followed by a loyal bevy of twentysomething hotties in flowing, flowery skirts attending his every move.

Saturday (7/10) saw Christopher McDonald (Requiem for a Dream) on the corner of 54th & Eighth Ave. walking away from Central Park/Columbus Circle area with a teenage boy (his son?); like many before me, I'm sure, I resisted the urge to scream, "God dammit, Thelma!" He's quite handsome when he's not playing a villain or greasy, wife-beating redneck or both.

Walking down 19th street on Monday, heard a bunch of Apex (Technical Institute) guys go "Oh shit, is that Steve Nash?! Oh shit!" Being the pansy that I am, I had no idea who they were talking about. Thanks to Google, it turns out he's a basketball player for the Suns. And now you tell me that he's playing ball on the River...

Saw Donald Trump and Melania June 30, at Glengarry Glen Ross on Broadway. They arrived 5 seconds before the curtain came up and took seats in the center of the floor. They mingled about at the back of the theatre during intermission not trying to look inconspicuous. Nobody approached the two, but many were seen gawking; his hair looks larger in person and his wife is actually prettier too.

Spotted director Jim Jarmusch crossing Prince St just off Broadway yesterday afternoon (jul 11). In spiked up white hair and shades, he looked every bit as cool as he probably is. Actually, it would probably be impossible to look that cool. I looked around to share the moment, but all the lame tourists were clueless.

Saw Amy Poehler and her husband, Will Arnett, (and another couple) at Tuesday night's performance of Glengarry Glen Ross. She is very petite and cute, and her hubby is extremely good looking! It was obvious they weren't interested in being noticed, but people definitely recognized them.

sophie dahl on 13th street with brown-haired friend looking lanky and amazing with a pink shirt and a small tush.

I had a SHVITS with PAULEY SHORE! I was at the Russian Bath House in the East Village with my boyfriend (and no I'm not gay or even Jewish) this past Sunday the 10th and sitting next to us in the Sauna is none other than "The Weasle" at his finest- man-tanned and sweating like a pig- fabulous!