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The World's Sexiest Cities competition is going hot and heavy over at our glamorous, jet-setting brother-in-law, Gridskipper. And, frankly, we're disgusted. Not with the contest, naturally, but rather with New York's total inability thus far to, um, rise to the occasion.

To start, of the nine categories, New York — arguably one of the sexiest, perviest, dirtiest places in the world — is nominated in only two of them. (Maybe it's just the view from our West Village digs, but Berlin's a gay-friendly finalist and New York isn't? We'll remind you that pink triangles here are — and have always been — entirely optional accessories.)

And even worse, New York isn't even leading in either of the categories we were allowed to participate in. Moscow is more masculine than we are? Please. No one's getting it up after that much vodka. And L.A., Bangkok, and Amsterdam are sluttier than we are? Well, actually, yeah, they probably are.

But, still, we can't let ourselves get shut out on this. We're still sexy, dammit. And young. And beautiful.

Shit. Maybe we should get some work done?

World's Sexiest Cities: Vote Now! [Gridskipper]