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We could excuse our failure to quickly address the launch issue of The Brooklynite magazine as a result of our typical derision reserved for the domesticated borough from which it hails, but we won't. Rather, we'll just honestly confess to not knowing about the free magazine (though our ignorance has something to do with the fact that the publication hails from a domesticated borough we often deride).

Nevertheless, recognition is better late than never, so give it up for the free magazine that "promises to be a valuable new cultural and community resource — and an important venue for quality journalism on the issues facing Brooklynites."

For its debut, unfortunately, the Brooklynite fails to tackle these issues. Brooklyn's Jonathan Novelist disease is only addressed through a Jonathan Lethem interview, leaving the highly-contagious strains of Ames and Safran-Foer unexamined and thus free to infest and infect at an ever-increasing rate. Perhaps the next installment will pick up the slack but, by then, it might be too late.

The Brooklynite [via Emdashes]