The Times announced last week that bisexuality doesn't exist. Unsurprisingly, the horndogs at Nerve beg to differ. The literate smutsters today published "The Bisexuality Issue," which includes a bisexuality poll. And by midafternoon, the results were getting Nerve founder Rufus Griscom a little bit hot and bothered. He emailed us:

Based on nearly 893 responses so far, 50% of Nerve readers say that are at least a little bit bisexual, even though roughly 80% "identify as straight" and only 3% describe themselves as gay.

I think this is a pretty representative sampling of educated urban people today. Though our audience is unusually educated (38% have graduate degrees) and urban (75% live in the largest cities) and predominantly liberal, it is a pretty broad sampling of this sector (over a million readers with pretty broad interests).

Indeed, here's the breakdown by the time we got around to checking, at around 4:45 p.m., when 989 people had responded:

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Which ultimately just goes to show that Karl Rove is right. Those blue-city, big-city, overeducated liberal elites he made the values voters afraid of? Yeah, we actually are a big bunch of pervs.

Poll: Love Unlimited [Nerve]