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We live to serve, and so we're thrilled to have the chance to help reader Gordon, who emailed this request last night:

you have to forgive me for this question, 'cause i'm Canadian and such, but Jon Stewart just had this kind of cute, articulate guy named Matt Taibbi on his show tonight. maybe this guy works for FOX, i have no idea. can gawker provide me a super-truncated "cheat sheet" on his career, or is he not interesting? no surprise, the guy had a book to flog, but still... is this journalist hot?

A super truncation: Taibbi lives in New York; he's a contributing editor to Rolling Stone and a columnist for the New York Press, where he recently got his boss, Jeff Koyen, more-or-less fired for his "The 52 Funniest Things About the Upcoming Death of the Pope" cover story. When we saw in our Googling that he'd written a few things for the Hartford Advocate, we thought the stars might be aligning for you, Gordo. But it turns out it's not that kind of Advocate. (And, actually, we can't imagine anyone working at the Press who's that kind of writer.)

You can take solace in this: It looks like Taibbi's going to be on C-SPAN (do you get that in Canada?) for a full hour next Monday morning at 3 a.m. So fire up your TiVo — or, even better, stay up late, light candles, and make a special night of it.

As to whether he's hot: It all depends on how much you hate yourself.

Earlier: Matt Taibbi's Persecution Complex