Beauty Queen No More: Landman to Leave 'New York'
Start slathering on your going-out face and undergoing all the latest peels, rubs, and injections: We hear spa and beauty guru Beth Landman is soon to be skedaddling from the luxurious mud baths of New York mag. We understand it's an amicable departure, but we don't know any more than that. Feel free to fill us in, if you'd like.
And definitely start sharpening those resumes. Jobs that require countless free treatments and provide vats of free makeup samples don't tend to stay open for long.
Or so we're told. Our tastes run more to jobs with free Ben & Jerry's.
UPDATE: New York's lovely and talented communications director, Serena Torrey, emails this clarification: "Beth has given up the beauty column, but she remains a contributing editor. I understand that she's going to spend some time focusing on writing a book." In other words, then, Landman will be a contributing editor who doesn't actually contribute.