Two Weeks Late and Two Inches Short: 'Post' Says Waistlines are Rising

We may have different feelings about asscracks and thonglines than most people, but we admit we're fairly pleased by news in the Post that low-rise jeans are finally, well, rising.
After five years of plummeting waistbands, denim designers are finally raising the bar for fall.
"People are coming in and saying, 'I don't want to be so exposed,'" says Caroline Roberts, owner of the Upper East Side boutique Pookie & Sebastian, which specializes in jeans.
"We were tired of it. Also, jeans companies have changed. The style has edged up and it's wonderful and more sellable."
Brands including Salt Works, Seven for all Mankind, Blue Cult, Citizens of Humanity, and Lucky are all rolling out higher-waisted styles for fall, with a rise of 8 or 9 inches.
Though still a healthy distance below the belly button, these "mid-rise" jeans are a giant leap north from the near-pornographic 5-inch cut sold at H&M and other stores.
We just wish the paper had discovered this trend a few weeks ago. Then maybe word would have gotten to the fat chicks in time to save us — and, frankly, them — from that double-truck catastrophe.
We're still having nightmares.
Jeans on the Rise [NYP]
Earlier: If You're Fat and You Know It, Read the 'Post'