Sightings are sent in by readers; send yours to

In this edition: Joan Rivers, Liza Minelli, Anna Wintour, Mick Jagger, Leonardo DiCaprio, Nicole Kidman and Naomi Watts, Sarah Jessica Parker, Charlie Rose, Claire Danes and Billy Crudup, Kate Winslet, Rachel Weisz, Keira Knightley, Neil Young, Donna Karan, Phillip Seymour Hoffman, Cate Blanchett, Usher, Zach Braff, Jessica Biel and Chris Evans, Kevin Connelly, Ally Sheedy, Willem Dafoe, Mike Myers, Lisa Ling, Mark Wahlberg and Rhea Durham, Cherry jones, Moby, Ryan Adams, Sharon Angela, Mo Rocca, Q-Tip, Sam Shepard, David Blaine, Michael Eisner and Karolina Kurkova.

This made Jury Duty completely worth every boring minute of it. We were sitting watching the introductory video (Mon Jul 11), when who walks in (20+ minutes late) but Joan Rivers! She stood in the front of the room with her assistant so everyone could have a good look at her wicked tight face and hair that wouldn t move in a hurricane. She finally took a seat and started browsing the Times Sunday Style Section with a red pen in her hand. Lucky for her she was called in the first group to be questioned..."Joan Rosenberg." Who knew??

Belated reporting. Saw Liza Minelli at Bloomingdales, July 4th. She wore 80's workout gear (hot pink shirt, spandex, keds) and was with a maid, in uniform. She didn't hit anyone.

As I was waiting for my aunt outside customs today (fri jul 8) at Newark airport, I was taken aback to see a woman resembling Anna Wintour pushing her own cart full of luggage! Never would I have thought a woman with Anna's demeanor to be stuck pushing her own luggage cart. As the woman got closer, I saw that it was indeed The Devil, I mean, Anna, wearing skinny light blue jeans, a CHANEL tweed jacket with metallic threading and her dark CHANEL sunglasses. I could have sworn I saw her in the same outfit last year in Times Square with her demon spawns, I mean, children.

7/6 — As I pushed past an old, fat tourist with a fanny pack on 57th and Fifth, my angered eyes came into focus and I saw the one, the only, Mick Jagger. He looks as expected, hot, small shouldered and leather faced, but less so than Iggy pop. My anglophile vagina cooed at his lips..

Leonardo DiCaprio was riding his bike on Hudson Street early Sunday evening (JUL 10). He's got that "I'm a nerd, yet somehow hot" look attempting to cover up in a baseball hat and shades. Man-Boy Leo needs to borrow some tanner for the glowing white legs.

At the New Victory Theatre last night (7/10) for a performance of "Rain," I sat across the aisle from Nicole Kidman. She came in at the last minute, and had two assistants sit on either side of her. She wasn't fooling anyone, though; everybody still stared. She's luminous, if a little thin. I loved the show so much I came back for today's final performance and snagged a cancellation ticket. Turns out the woman who escaped Tom loved it as well; she was back, and this time she brought Naomi Watts, who was, unfortunately, not throwing one of the tantrums witnessed by other stalkers.

Saw Sarah Jessica Parker going into Rite Aid at Hudson & Charles in the West Village around 3:30 today (JUL 11), dressed in a black tank top & tight jeans & shades. She came out minutes later and walked south on Hudson, only to abruptly do a 180 and head north. Then minutes later, saw Charlie Rose driving a Mini Cooper, top down, with a young babe next to him, stopped at a light at Hudson & Bank, passersby stopping to shout "Oh my God! Charlie Rose"!!!

i saw Claire Danes and Billy Crudup lunching @ NY Burger co today (friday). Despite sitting right up front in the window, they were mostly unnoticed by the passers-by (who were probably focused on trying to stay dry) and the other diners. they looked a little rumpled, like the rest of us in this gloomy weather, and i probably wouldn't have noticed them if i hadn't looked up from my fries just as Clare was walking toward me so i could see her face. they seemed happy, talking and laughing quietly together, just like us regular folks.

saw Kate Winslet jogging around the reservoir yesterday (thur jul 7) wearing a long sleeved brown shirt. Said "excuse me" to pass in a Brit accent.

sunday night (7/10), i spotted Rachel Weisz in line at the whole foods in union square. this was from a distance so all i could see was that she was not wearing makeup so her skin did not look as flawless as it usually does. she was wearing a peasant blouse with a v-shaped back in a flowery print. she looked rather serious and got her groceries prepared for delivery. i am appalled that she would readily give out her address but i guess this also says that she's not very presumptuous about being recognized.

On Sunday around 8:30 or so on Houston at Thompson I saw Keira Knightley strolling with an aging, white-haired hippie. Keira was in one of those 1982 style dinner party dresses that are so popular right now, and green ballet slipper shoes. Very short hair, normal height, and not as Olsen teensy skinny as you might expect. Aside for the dress she was quite cute and normal. The aging hippie, however, I can't vouch for.

We sat down to lunch upstairs at Mercer Kitchen on Saturday 7/9 and were seated 1 table away from Keira Knightley and a woman (I'm assuming her mom or manager). Had to tell my boyfriend not to stare. She was very casual - floral off the shoulder dress and awesome boots - and quite pretty. She was having tea and seemed rather bored. She and the woman paid and walked into the lobby of the Mercer Hotel. I motioned to my boyfriend that the rockerish looking older man sitting across the way looked like Neil Young. He turned to quickly check him out and told me that it was, in fact, Neil Young. Good sightings for both of us.

@ Bar Pitti tonight (7/7; 8:45 PM) Seated next to us was Donna Karan and her swarthy boy toy (she was looking a bit frumpy in a shapeless black schmatte, which crept up her legs long enough to offer a glimpse at her knobby knees, both of which carried huge vertical scars from operations gone by). Then, mid-meal, we spotted Phillip Seymour Hoffman loitering at the curb, apparently waiting for his dining companions. The schlubby PSH sported a blue windbreaker (Members Only?) and horrendous plaid shorts which showcased his albino gams. Normally not worth a second look except it turned out he was rendezvousing with Cate Blanchett and her screenwriter husband. Cate arrived limping slightly and wore a cast on her right foot. A bit gimpy, yes, but she is one v. hot little sylph.

Saw Usher this past Saturday in the new adidas store on Houston and broadway on the 2^nd floor. He was with a huge bodyguard which made him look even smaller than he really is. He's only about 5'7" and I heard him ham it up with the people that work there saying "yeah, I'm looking for something to work out in." ok, so you're in the adidas store where all they sell are sneakers, sweatpants, and track suits and you can't find something to workout in....

Saw Zach Braff on Houston Sat 7/9. He was with a guy and carrying a steven alan shopping bag. Who knew he had such fashion sense. Looks exactly like a guy that could be your next door neighbor.

friday july 8th, spotted jessica biel and chris evans kissing at the chelsea piers batting cages...and yes they did swing the bat a couple of times.

7/2- Saw Kevin Connelly - how short is he anyway?? but he's so adorable- and pretty much the entire cast of Oz at Star Room in the hamptons.

Sat next to Ally Sheedy, her beau and a lady friend at the Rodeo Bar on Saturday night, enjoying shrimp fajitas. She seemed quite content with her anonymity, given that the average patron that night was probably born well after St. Elmo's Fire. I still have the biggest crush on her—she looked great (always my favorite brat-packer).

On Sunday around 3:30 at the guggenheim I saw Willem Dafoe, who is really quite short in person, maybe 5'6. He was moseying around the lower levels of the Mapplethorpe exhibit with a few random, bohemian-looking friends. He's just as craggy-faced as you'd expect in person, but slightly more leprechaunish. This quality may be caused by his green longsleeved tshirt and green blue 1994 jeans...

So I just saw Mike Myers, I had ordered my pizza at Rays on Mulberry and Mott and there was a cute poodle TIED UP (who DOES that?!?! it's like tying up your kid!) and I ran back out to play with it and it wasn't there so I stopped in my tracks b/c of that and a second later Mike Myers walks by and stops his conversation as if I had ran out to see him. Not so. But it was my first dead-on sighting 'round here in a while.

Was in Jamba Juice in Midtown on Saturday, 7/9, and turned around to see Lisa Ling. She was much prettier in person; was by herself. It looked like she had just came from the gym .

Last night (sun jul 10) at Nobu, Mark Wahlberg and Rhea Durham came in around 6PM with baby and older woman. Not sure if it was a nanny or relative. They seemed to know the staff as everyone was holding the baby, etc. Marky Mark had a cell phone ear piece in the entire meal. He is diminutive and had a dark brown bowl cut of sorts. When they left he carried the baby out and waved her hand for her at various patrons.

Cherry Jones @ Nobu sunday didn t know who she was but a dinner companion pointed her out. She was in Doubt and in Signs.

Saw Moby on Second Ave around 5th Street on Sunday 7.10; he was incognito, wearing baseball hat. (Good disguise — I don't think Moby would ever play baseball — competitiveness is bad for your karma. Besides, the ball would knock his skinnyass down.) When he passed by Mary Ann's restaurant, someone sitting outside screamed, "Hey Moby, wanna have a burrito with us? It's vegetarian!" He kindly turned them down, saying he had to "meet some friends" (likely excuse), and then went to Bank of America, probably to deposit some fat checks from Teany sales.

6/28, right outside my bldg in Union Square, Ryan Adams on a cell phone. Tight bell-bottom jeans, flannel shirt, deliciously dirty (read: matted and tangled) hair, sunglasses even though it's about 11 pm. He was surprisingly little (and I'm good at guessing little since I rock the sub-5 foot club), but I still wanted to bear his child anyway. Yeah I know Pitchfork said he was stuck in Europe, but that ain't right...

Yesterday (Thursday]I met Sharon Angela (aka Rosalie Aprile from the Sopranos) on Bleecker and Broadway. She was much prettier in person than on the show, not dressed gawdy like her character at all.. looked great, in jeans and a tee. I told her that she is my favorite character on the show, and even got to quote my favorite line of hers to her: "Fucking nosey?!? Eat your manicott!". We chatted for a minute or two, and she was very gracious and appreciative of my compliments.. seems like she'd be cool to hang out with.

saw mo rocca at the new york reptile expo in white plains shooting something for animal planet. he was doing something that looked like the axl rose dance with a bunch of kids on camera. i always thought he was taller.

Q-Tip from A Tribe Called Quest, in the elevator going up to Sirius radio in the McGraw-Hill building. Wearing a black tshirt with Run-DMC album covers on it. Giant plastic eyeglass frames with the demo lenses still in them. Attempting to talk on his cellphone in the elevator.

Saw playwright Sam Shepard. B'way between 11th & 12th Streets. Wearing blue-jeans, some kind of leather vest business and a green T. He looked healthy for his age but had kind of a goofy smirk on his face. Honestly I thought he was some kind of out-of-town redneck or biker at first.

Walked by David Blaine on Mercer this past Saturday 7/9. He was with a group of 4 very "entourage". Heard him saying "she's really cute and she's really sweet" he talks really really loud. Then I saw Anthony LaPaglia drinkin coffee, smokin a cig on that bench in front of Mercer Hotel. Kinda chubby in that Alec Baldwin type way, with grey hair.

I was walking up Ninth Avenue on Sunday (7/10) evening and bumped into Michael Eisner, ex-Disney CEO, exiting Soho House. I guess now that he's retired he didn't make the cut for the Allen & Company mogulfest in Sun Valley.

Saw Karolina Kurkova crossing the street at Hudson and Orchard on Sunday afternoon. Gorgeous. Looked very slim (in a healthy way, rather than the usual coked out way young models tend to favor), nice tan, and she managed to look fresh and dewy rather than tired and sweaty, like the rest of us.