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Because we're dedicated to helping our fellow mediaistes, we thought we'd flag this request, which Matthew Flamm of Crain's New York Business recently posted to ProfNet, an email list that distributes reporters' queries to thousands of PR flacks. It's your chance to be a star!

WORKPLACE : Businesspeople Who Smoke Pot - Crain's New York Business (US)
I'm writing a story about marijuana use among New York City professionals and executives. It's for our Business Lives section, which looks at after-hours activities of the New York City business community. I'm looking for three kinds of interview subjects: current pot smokers who use marijuana the way some people use a glass of wine in the evening; ex-pot smokers; and HR people who implement policies dealing with pot smoking. Names can be changed to protect the not-so-innocent, though we prefer to use real names where possible. I need to do interviews by Wednesday morning.
Contact: Matthew Flamm
Deadline: 11:00 AM US/Eastern JUL 13
Phone: 212-210-XXXX

So act quick (um, if possible). There's just one day left for the chance to prove to your college girlfriend that, yes, in fact, smoking pot every day can get you someplace in the world.

Not that we'd know anything about it.

Crain's New York Business