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If you're frustrated the All-Star break is leaving you with insufficient athletic-spectation opportunities this evening, we've got some great news: New York battles The New Yorker on the soccer pitch tonight. The game starts at 9:05 at Houston Street and the West Side Highway. And the smart money (at least at 444 Madison, it seems) is on The New Yorker.

We'd tend to agree. Especially if Gopnik's kid is playing.

Full email, with details and location, after the jump.

From: Rosenblum, Emma
Sent: Monday, July 11, 2005 12:41 PM
To: *Edit; *Art / Prod
Subject: Soccer Game Tonight

Tonight, the New York Magazine soccer team takes on our annoyingly athletic foes at the New Yorker. We'd love for everyone to come out and cheer for us, as we definitely (definitely) need the support. After the game, we're going to head over to [redacted], on Spring St., for some New York Magazine sponsored (or so says Hugo) cocktails in celebration of our win (or my wishful thinking). Location details are as follows:

The game is at 9:05pm at Pier 40, at Houston St. and the West Side Highway. Enter next the parking garage — it's easy to see from the street.

Post-game cocktails at about 10pm are at the [redacted], at XXX Spring Street.

It promises to be a humorous evening, if anything.

Also, if there's anyone out there that's still interested in playing, please let me know — new additions are welcome, especially if you have any sort of goal-scoring capabilities...

Emma Rosenblum
New York Magazine