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Fellow celeb Scientologists Kirstie Alley and Kelly "Travolta Had Me At The Experts, Once Arye Gross Showed No Interest" Preston have publicly joined Tom Cruise in the Church's crusade against psychiatry, but without any high profile projects to gain them access to a televised session browbeating Matt Lauer over his appalling lack of knowledge of the history of pseudo-science, they've taken up the time-honored practice of activist letter-writing:

Alley and Preston wrote an open letter to the Food and Drug Administration, which reads, "We can no longer sit back and let the clock tick, waiting for more deaths, suicides or people driven to violent acts by psychotropic drugs."

Alley explains, "Parents in particular have been misled about the effects of these drugs. They are highly addictive; kids are using them more than street drugs to get high."

Preston adds, "Parents don't know that these drugs are turning kids into walking time bombs. Eight out of the last 13 school shooters were taking prescribed psychiatric drugs, and only now is the FDA investigating the fact these drugs can cause violence."

At the risk of lending Alley and Preston an endorsement, we just got back from the local grade school, where we swapped a couple of juice bags of Capri Sun and a package of Sno-Balls for an abusively overmedicated fourth-grader's daily Ritalin dosage. We're doing what we can to personally—personally—step kids off this dangerous street drug.