• Cintra Wilson, the fame-hating, catty quasi-celebrity prone to unapologetic snark (yes, we used these exact same words to describe her last year, but nothing's changed and we're lazy) solicits the help of Jonathan Ames, Mike Albo, and others to read from her new book, "Colors Insulting to Nature," at Joe's Pub tonight. [flavorpill]
• Longtime New Yorker staff writer Mark Singer's new book Character Studies is (you guessed it!) a collection of profiles he's written. He reads from said collection at Half King tonight. [Half King]
• The Fred Astaire/Ginger Rogers dance-number vehicle The Gay Divorcee screens at the Bryant Park Film Festival. We haven't seen it, but we're pretty sure they don't mean "gay" in the literal sense. Shame. [Bryant Park]