• Matt Cooper's original conversation with his source was on "double super secret background." Which apparently can only be relinquished with "dramatic" and "secret" permisison. [Newsweek]
• But Cooper's "dramatic" and "personal" release from his confidentiality pledge was neither dramatic nor personal. Discuss. [NYT]
• Norm Pearlstine: Journalist, lawyer, businessman, David Carr subject. [NYT]
• Miller/Cooper fallout reaches Cleveland, where the Plain Dealer is holding two stories because they're based on illegally leaked docs and no one wants to go to jail for publishing them. [E&P]
• Who owns a reporter's notes? Who knows? (And how much would some scrawled notepads with Media Bubble lists and possible Times-mocking punchlines fetch on eBay?) [Slate]
• Breaking: In wake of London bombings, Fox News is insensitive and anti-French. [Guardian]
• Even worse: Big July news screws with journos' vacation plans. [USAT]