• Some bad shit went down in London, and we were, characteristically, obnoxiously insensitive about it. Even more characteristically, so was Greg Gutfield.
• Judy Miller goes to jail — and looks fabulous on her way there.
• Matt Cooper doesn't go to jail.
• And, elsewhere, Lil' Kim is sentenced to a year and a day for perjury.
• Angelina adopts a baby boy with Brad. Or a baby girl on her own. Whichever.
• At the Observer, a new website but no lunch breaks.
• Old Kurt Andersen had a farm. A completely unironic farm.
• Natalie Portman, terrorist?
• Staten Island high-school basketball coach indicted for spanking students. Which apparently is frowned upon.
• And, to cap it all off, maybe William Rehnquist is retiring. Swell.