• Dressed to be sentenced yesterday, Judy Miller's "quilted jacket speaks of Barbour and the Upper East Side. And the black reads like a nod to glamour and chic and the thing that proclaims: I'm a New Yorker and not some well-to-do lady from Chicago." [WP]
• Today she's wearing "a green or brown jumpsuit with the word 'prisoner' on the back." [NYT]
• But, hey, whatever she's wearing in jail, it's basically just book leave, says Russ Baker. [Mediacrity]
• PBS and ABC clean up in news Emmy nominations, and ABC's World News Tonight — who could use some good news — gets most nods of the three evening newscasts. [NYP]
• Virginia Heffernan doesn't like comedies that aren't necessarily funny. Much as we feel about reviews that we can never tell if they're positive or negative. [NYT]
• And reports of the press's death might be greatly exaggerated. [National Journal]